Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2009

Fröhliche Weihnacht! Merry Christmas!

Ob über oder unter Null, es regnet oder schneit, besonders fröhlich und zauberschön sei Eure Weihnachtszeit((-:

Wishing you joy
Throughout the holiday season,
May you have all the things
You desire for whatever reason.
Don't let worries and troubles
Come to your door,
May each and everyday
Be filled with happiness and more.

May your christmas be happy
And right from the start,
May the New Year bring all
That is dear to your heart!

7 Kommentare:

  1. Merry Christmas to you too!
    /Eva J

  2. Merry Christmas to you too and a Happy New year. Hope you have a great time with your dearest!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Nikki xxx

  4. Happy New year, to you and your family.besitos ascension

  5. Thanks to all of you.
    I wish you a happy New Year!

  6. Happy New year Karin, have a fab 2010, look forward to seeing what new projects you have in mind for the New Year, Kate xx
