... still working , now I finished three large roomboxes and a fireplace.

A small backyard, usable for a street cafe, or a flower market

This roombox has wooden walls and a alcove bed.
I sewed the sheets and the mattress itself, I mean really .... with needle and thread....grin......you have to know.... to sew it is not really my strength ()-:

The second roombox is a little hut of a old lady, she is living alone and she has a little bit of magic.

I will work for her a nice fireplace with a cauldron, so than she can cook her elixirs comfortable (-:

These are all lovely :)
AntwortenLöschenJaa, das waren doch erfolgreiche,arbeitreiche Wopchen!!! Die Boxen sehen alle klasse aus!! Und bei dem Hinterhof kommen mir ganz viele Bilder in den Kopf, was man damit anfangen könnte.......
AntwortenLöschenKarin, Your work is so stunning and perfect!! I love everything that you have made! You are a "paper clay" genius!!
AntwortenLöschenWie immer alles fabelhaft, aber das zuletzt gezeigte finde ich besonders atemberaubend. Ich bin immer wieder begeistert, wie Du Deine Szenen in Landschaften integrierst.
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße
wow Karin, you are a master at working with paperclay! I love them all, but the fireplace, and old ladys hut are my favorites! Simply wonderful Karin!! Thank you for sharing your heart, and art! xoxox Christel
AntwortenLöschenlove them all!!!! :D Linda x
AntwortenLöschenI really enjoyed the roomboxes! I can imagine how you will let them fantastic when finished decoration. Now ... what the hell is cooking in that cauldron! LOL
Wow, they are so well made!!! The backyard is Fantastic!
I have just found your fantastic blog. Wow i love it. your roomboxes are wonderful. Greetings Maria
AntwortenLöschenDas wird alles toll.
AntwortenLöschenlg Eva
Karin tu sabes muy bien lo que admiro tu trabajo ¡Wow! Es precioso!!!
AntwortenLöschenUn beso
I love the box with the garden on the side of the building. That is so wonderful! The fire place with the cauldron is also a piece I love!!!
AntwortenLöschenIch weiss gar nicht, was ich am Schönsten finde!!! ich guck und stöber und freue mich daran.